Beyond the environment, the economy, or any other global issue we are dealing with right now, we have a looming crisis of a much greater importance...
We have a deficit that grows daily. With all the commandments and precepts that God gave us in the old testament, there were TWO that He imparted upon entering into the new covenant with us...
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
-Luke 10:27
We have become so consumed with the three S's that we have lost sight of our true meaning in this world.
1.) SUCCESS - everyone wants to believe that their life has meaning and value...unfortunately, too many of us search for meaning in the affirmation and praise of the most random cross section of people... a boss, a significant other, a fortune teller... we put our worth in the hands of people who have no business or expertise to define our worth.
2.) STABILITY - we like the familiar routine... whenever someone or something interferes with the normal function of our day, we get irritable. There are important things to be done, and there just isn't time for anything else.
3.) SECURITY - we are constantly exchanging the comfort and security of God for a faithless existence. We say, I can make it on my own. Then the bottom drops out and we are in a crisis of belief. Even then, we are still searching for our own solution.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."
-Proverbs 3:5
If love began to rule my life, I believe the world would change. The word love is uttered so many times in the Bible in reference to God, that I have come to believe that God is the ultimate lover.
I read somewhere the account of a Christian martyr who was quoted as saying, "I would rather serve a God who would die for His creation, rather than a god who would ask his creation to die for him." Upon hearing this, I was moved to think on the love of God. What if our own love for each other was as great as the love He demonstrates?
Where do we start?
People the world over, regardless of age, culture, demographic, religion, etc. admittedly recognize that there is evil in this world. Like the toxins we emit into the atmosphere, we are constantly emitting some form of hate. Just because we refrain from symbols and physical destruction doesn't mean that we aren't part of the problem.
How much energy does it take to absorb the poison from a poisoness situation? How many minutes our of our life does it take to show love and understanding instead of bitterness and pride. How are our actions defined by love, versus personal gain?
If we miss the boat on a lot of issues, I pray that love will still remain at the core of our existence.
"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. "
-Anne Frank