Sunday, August 25, 2013


Have you ever looked at your life and said, Of all the things I struggled with, I am so glad I don't struggle with addiction?

I've said it.

But when the Lord is moving in my life, and opening my eyes to the sin of the world, I begin to see that my standard of living is not what I thought it was. There are addictions in my life, enslaving me, holding me prisoner, and luring me away from Jesus.

Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned?

Proverbs 6:27

Very simply, addiction is anything (or anyone) that enslaves you. God has called us to live above this. 

For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world.

1 John 2:16

Addiction is tricky. I believe the Lord makes us aware of addiction in our lives in order to remove the things that keep us from Him. Some people are addicted to the media. They will spend hours watching T.V. and invest in the latest flat screen on the market, but they won't attend church or tithe. Some are addicted to a person, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse... they have to ask permission to go out with a friend. When they do spend quality time with a friend, the discussion revolves around their significant other.

The Lord has chosen to reveal my addiction to me by inspiring me to fast... from what has seemed like a perfectly healthy diversion from my work life. The Lord has inspired me to fast from radio, movies, and T.V. 

I have taken for granted that media is a harmless indulgence. I get away from the gentle quiet of morning and evening by immediately turning to noise and distraction. Maybe this is due to my need to drown out my thoughts, which tend to rush on with the sun's first light. 

This week, I commit to entertaining silence, and drawing near to Jesus within the quiet of morning and evening. 

What addiction are you struggling with? What are you being called to fast from?